Hello, I'm not too sure as to what i want to do with this ,sooo, i've decided to just go for it and see what happens. I'm a proud mum to six wonderful kids who are the joy of my life and my greatest achievement. They are :- Kayleigh - Ann,22, Lee,21, Jay,16, Chanelle,13, Brandon,9, and last - but by no means least! - Rowanne ( pronounced Rowan NOT Row Anne she insists) age 7. As you can see they're quite spread out, more by luck than super planning on my part i sometimes think, which works quite well for us. Kayleigh is married to Rob who is a nice lad and good son in law happily, for me, and her too i hope!, she lives just a few houses down from me so we see each other most days. Lee lives back in my hometown where he has a lovely girlfriend and nice little house. This is one of my few regrets, that Lee no longer lives with, or near, me. To cut a long story short, which i'm sure i'll come back to later at some point, 5 years ago after much soul searching and ca...