
Showing posts from July, 2010

It's been a while.....

It sure has! There's been so much happened, when i looked back over my posts it almost seems like another lifetime ago. I'm not even going to attempt to fill you all in on the last years events, suffice to say i find myself in a very different place than i was then. The kids're well, grown - lots! - and happy. J has finished 6th form having sat his last exam last month. He then went away to Turkey with Amy for a week as she'd finished her exams too and had a wonderful time by all accounts. We get his results in august and all being well he'll be starting Uni in september. Leaving for good, eek! Nell's just finished her G.C.S.E.s and again, dependant on results, she's off to 6th form in September too. Young Master B has finished primary school and starts high school in sept so it's been a lot of changes here in the madhouse. Three endings and new beginings to look forward too, soon. Little Miss has grown, she's healthy and happy,still 9...