It's been a while.....

It sure has! There's been so much happened, when i looked back over my posts it almost seems like another lifetime ago. I'm not even going to attempt to fill you all in on the last years events, suffice to say i find myself in a very different place than i was then.
The kids're well, grown - lots! - and happy. J has finished 6th form having sat his last exam last month. He then went away to Turkey with Amy for a week as she'd finished her exams too and had a wonderful time by all accounts. We get his results in august and all being well he'll be starting Uni in september. Leaving for good, eek!
Nell's just finished her G.C.S.E.s and again, dependant on results, she's off to 6th form in September too.
Young Master B has finished primary school and starts high school in sept so it's been a lot of changes here in the madhouse. Three endings and new beginings to look forward too, soon.
Little Miss has grown, she's healthy and happy,still 9 going on 89!
On a less positive note, K has split up from her husband, pastures new for him sadly. She's coped SO well, i've never been prouder of her. She's kept her head up and maintained her dignity throughout, despite much provocation to respond to the contrary. I, on the other hand, have wanted to bay for blood and cause actual bodily harm on more than one occasion! And me a pacifist! They're never too grown up to stir the inner lioness in all of us are they....
As for L, he's well, happy,working and enjoying life to the full. He split up with his girlfriend earlier this year too, amicably, but has no shortage of female attention ( too much sometimes in my humble protective mammy opinion!).
It's been a bit of a tough year in some ways to be honest. my dad was rushed into hospital at the begining of this year, he was very ill and the docs were concerned for a scary time but he pulled through and is slowly on the mend. Somehow you think your parents're immortal don't you? Logic states that he's in his 70s and will obviously head off on his next journey at some point but i for one never really gave it any thought, just casually expecting him around as always. It's a scary time when you suddenly realise that your parents're old. I mean really old, not the "oh my god you're 40 stop embarassing me PLEASE" kind of old that you imagine when you're 15 but the REALLY old, slowing down, realising their fragile mortality kind of old. Sigh, hard life lessons certainly
It's not all been bad though by any means, as i've said, the kids're great, the summer's here - kind of!- and life's mostly good. Things have a way of sorting themselves out over time, often not in the ways you might have ever expected or even considered. Shrek and i are back together - i for one didn't see THAT one coming! (take off the smug face Karisma, you were right!) - and against all the odds it works for the most part. We don't live together, that works far better for us, but are much closer than before. Once we'd realised that trying to live by other peoples standards and guidlines was never going to work in our situation things became much easier, compromise has become a new word in our vocabulary. Who'dve thought that it'd take him finding someone new to make us realise what we were both letting slip away? Not me that's for sure!. it's not perfect, and never will be, but it was something worth saving after all - even if sometimes it seemed to be the craziest thing i'd ever done! - just needed saving under terms that suited OUR family not anyone elses.....
Well folks, that's the very edited highlights of the last 12 months or so here in the madhouse -after me stating that i wasn't going to even attempt it! - and hopefully i'll be back with more in the not too distant future.....


karisma said…
((((Big Hugs))))) I am glad to hear you are doing well, trials and tribulations aside. Keep safe! xoxoxox

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