Finally, I'm Back, or The Joys of Chewing Puppies Who Eat Computer Cables, Aagh!!.......

Well, how much have i missed! Sorry i've been absent for so long, we had a major trauma in the laptop dept, the (new) puppy ate the power cable, Aagh! What a nightmare! Don't you just love puppies??!!! Lol. yep, the latest addition to the Madhouse is a Belgian shepherd pup, named Sirius. The Harry Potter fans among you will know that Sirius Black is an animaegus who can transform into a black dog, which Sirius pup is, hence the name. Ho hum. Young master B was given him as a birthday gift by his daddy. We had his uncle and grandfather when we were together and it's nice to have a continuation of the family here again, he is SO like his uncle Pagan who i loved very dearly, right up until he passed to the dog playground in the sky last year at the ripe old age of 12. He was a wonderful companion and left us with a lot of happy memories. none of which involved a chewed power cable and no internet connection for the last few weeks i'd like to add! We don't have a desktop so we were snookered basically. We're back online now though so all's well that ends well.
How i've missed you all! To be honest being away has been a bit of an eye opener for me. I have found myself wondering how you've all been doing, i didn't realise how much i looked forward to catching up with everyones daily lives, all the little familiar things that make you all real people in my life, friends i've never met but missed during my enforced abscence. It's going to take me a while to catch up with you all but i'll be popping by to say hello and catch up over the next few days.
So, what's been happening in the Madhouse lately? Hmm, let me think....
We've had a couple of birthdays, Master B has reached double figures, i'm now 42 -eek!. Lee's 22 and has found his own place to live, good for him but sad for me as he's back in our hometown and living with his girlfriend Jo who's a nice lass that we've all known for years. It's lovely to see him happy and settled, it eases the separation a little. J's sitting his As levels over the next couple of weeks, he's already done a few and his last exam is on the 21st. He's been working really hard so i'm sure he'll be fine, i remember the horrible pre exam nervous tummy even if it was more years ago than i'd like to count! Nell's looking forward to a trip away during the half term, an outward bound adventure type of thing, i'm not too sure if her "scene" hair and eye liner'll stand up to that kind of test though, hehe. K and R've also had a new addition to their household, Sirius's brother, Raven which means they're up to their eyeballs in puppy chewing and minefield dodging too. At least we can get them together and wear each other out regularly - which we need even more than they do! I'd forgotten just how much havoc one little furball can cause, poor Gypsy and Tyson're sprouting more grey hairs by the second! Gyps is nearing the end of her journey now, she has a tumour that will start to cause her discomfort at some point, the vet has promised that he'll let us know before that starts to happen so we can do the decent thing by her. For now she's fine, just a grumpy smelly old dog who likes to snooze on her favourite chair or in the spot that has the most sunlight, depending which is warmer. Tyson seems to be wary of the pups, he doesn't like the needle teeth that bite back when he plays with them too much i think.
We've also aquired a baby guinea pig called Twilight - Cullen fans anyone?- for Little Miss as a kind of "not having your own puppy but being given a little something to be responsible for" thing, like we don't have enough things to feed and be responsible for! I'm sure the walls of the Madhouse are actually made of elastic, no matter how full we think we are there's always room for more. I do think we're going to have to put up a No Vacancies sign up soon though!
This is turning out to be a bit of a waffle so i'm going to sign off for now and (hopefully) catch up a little more tomorrow. It's really nice to be back, my fingers're just starting to type properly again! I'll say goodnight to you all, until tomorrow then...................................


majikfaerie said…
happy birthday to you and your family :) and commiserations about the computer cable.
I was just thinking about you lately and wondering where you'd gotten to...
Willow said…
Glad to know that all is well with you and your family - despite the chewed cable! Puppy Sirius sounds gorgeous and very naughty, as puppies are, or course! The birthdays sounded good fun - plenty to keep you busy!

Take care, and have a good bank hol weekend.

Willow xx
KrisMrsBBradley said…
That is the best name ever!
Anonymous said…
Oh, it's so cool that you're back!!!
Loved this post! My what a busy, busy family you have...good to hear it's all happy & positive at the hippy madhouse.
Well...except for the puppy I want another dog sooooooo badly now that we're in a ground floor apartment with a yard.
I want a lab/shepherd something!
Hatchling wants a Shi-poo or one of those little dogs.( you might as well get a guinea pig, if you ask me!
Great post!
Happy Monday!
hello there!your puppy sounds gorgeous (Well except for the cable chewing!) and he has a great name...Sirius was one of my favourite characters!
Rheged Bowmen said…
Glad your back, and heres to the future ;)
Yarrow said…
Hi ya. Some changes over at my blog. Email me at if you'd like to continue reading. Blessings.
Ariad said…
Welcome back! and a Happy Birthday. Naughty puppy but aren't they cute.
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