What happened to the weekend?

That was me off to a good start! Somehow the weekend ran away with me desperately trying to keep up, to no avail! Sooo, a brief catch up....
We did go out on friday, the Butterfly House was amazing! Thanks in part to the srar turn, a butterfly that let us handle it and take pictures! I kid you not! I do have pictures but they'll have to stay put for a while till i get this thing sorted. Kayleigh and Rob agreed to go down to pick up Brandon and Nell after their half term break. I was going to go but Jay had been invited to his new girlfriends for a family bbq which meant i'd have no one here to stay with the dogs.Did i mention the dogs? We've two, Gypsy, a bitch, old, crabby, a bit smelly but loved staffie that we rescued 5 years ago, and Tyson,the biggest baby you've ever met. He's 5 but looks, and acts!, much younger. The lads say it's cos i had him neutered when he was a pup but i think he's just soft. he's a mongrel, another rescue dog but this time a 16 week old puppy. See, i told you that i can veer off at a tangent! Anyhoo, our next door neighbour moaned about the dogs barking when i'm out so i try to leave someone around if possible.Not that i complain when they're playing loud music all day! I don't mind if it's decent but sometimes her music tastes leave me with a bad taste in my mouth and a banging head, especially if she sings, and i use the term loosly, along!
So anyway, back to the story, off the kids went, with me expecting them back the next day. However when they got there my mam was ill so they decided to stay a couple of extra days to help her out, which meant that Brandon and Nell had a couple of extra days off school which they were so upset about, not. That's not to say that Rowanne was pleased! jay didn't care as he's doing his gcse's at the moment so he was relieved that he hadn't gone down for a visit which he'd thought about before the bbq.
It was surprising really how quickly the weekend went, i had grand plans of domestic goddess-like intentions but as, usual, i got sucked into a book. We managed to get a few things done so it wasn't a total wash out, we found R's bedroom floor which has been missing for a couple of weeks, since the last sleepover she had in fact. so that must mean we're due another one for them to mess it all up again.
Drumroll if you please!!!!!.......... I've finally downloaded my photos from my camera onto the computer and started my 'flickr' account1 Yipee!!! i've been thinking about it for months but was too scared in case i did it wrong- did i also mention that i'm a complete technophobe? i HATE all this technical stuff that's just invented to scare me out of my wits! I'm sure there's a place somewhere where there's a room full of people watching us via mimi cams built into these things so that people can laugh at our misery and lack of understanding. It's not as if we'd be able to find them is it? they'd only be in the 'for idots' versions that they'd immediately update to cause more stress if too many of us actually learn to operate it in anything like a confident manner! It's a conspiracy i tell you!Lol!
Sooooo, the kids arrived home safe and well, having grown 6 inches in height in a week. We had a nice time for about 15 mins until they started arguing again, ahh, home sweet home, nothing like it! I finally got the kids off to bed after 9pm with threats of violence and computer bans - works like a charm so far, i'll keep you posted- there were crys of "thats not fair" but i stood firm and to bed they eventually went. Which leads me to this, I've done my bit so i'm away to my bed too now. What joys will tomorrow bring? It's B's school trip to a buddist temple tomorrow, wish i was going! Lucky thing. Until tomorrow then.........


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