
So, it's been and gone. No more worrying about it for another 300 or so days. What a relief. i'm sat here, it's 11.35pm, alone in the house - well, apart from two fur people that is. Why? You may well ask? The honest answer is that my kids have more of a social life than me! J and N have gone to a party, R is with daddy, B is in spain, K, C and L are all having a drink at her house and i'm sat here alone, Billy no mates! I could've gone to Ks house but my next door neighbours're having a party which would cause my dogs to make a terrible noise if i went out.

To be honest it's quite nice. Everyone seemed happy with their lot, dinner turned out well, even the rotting bird carcass that is intergral to the celebrations apparently. The joys of having adult kids, they know what they want to eat. Usually we get along fine eating my vegan choices but at this time of year i relent and prepare them the meat, it's their holiday too after all. My darling daughter K was thinking on her feet when she did my shopping, she got me a bone free piece of meat that just needed wrapped and slowly cremated so that i didn't have to stick my hand up its bum or anything - now that WOULD be above and beyond the call of duty! - which made the whole process relatively painfree - for me at least, dunno about the poor bird mind, i don't even want to start thinking about that side of things. The plates were piled high with all manner of good things and we all sat together and it was a lovely part of the day - the bonus being that i didn't have to wash up as i'd cooked! Yipee! Did i mention my allergy to domestic duties? No? Well, i did now! Lol!

So, it's the night after xmas, i'm alone and remarkably at peace. The year has had highs and lows, as always but i feel that this year more so than the previous 4 or 5 there have been more highs than lows. Our situation is improving all the time, i'm learning to accept the changes as they happen and am finally allowing myself to realise that the world isn't going to end just because i can't be the bohemian wild child that i used to be anymore (surely i mean woman here? You get my drift tho') and have learned to accept my limitations instead of fighting them. It's a battle i can't win if i look at it in those terms, instead i've started to listen to my body a bit more and look at what i CAN do instead. Whatever the case, all i can do is try my best and see how it goes.

I wasn't planning to get all deep and meaningful tonight, i've got a rare chance to sleep alone (barring the dogs) in my bed and i'm going to take FULL advantage of the duvet hogging opportunities that the current situation allows. I'll get all spiritual and soul searching on you another night instead! Brightest Blessings to you all, and with that i'm off to bed!..........................


sarah said…
I'm glad you have this time of peace and calm, and also that you had a good Christmas. Many blessings to you :-)
I came over from Autumns meadow.

I know what you mean about a social life...what social life.

Coffee is on.
karisma said…
I hope you got some sleep. I know just how you feel. Sometimes we need a little reminder to see just how lucky we are. Do you have a dog? Dogs make for great companions when all the kids are out and about! Big hugs and smoochies to you. Im glad you are up and about again!

Love and Light xxxx
Willow said…
Thank you so much for popping in to look at my blog and for leaving such a lovely comment! I've enjoyed reading all about your family and will definitely be back to read some more! Yes - I know exactly how you feel when your children aren't around. I love it when mine are out at sleepovers with friends, having a great time etc. but I'm always restless until they are home in their own beds!!

Reading your post a while back ... yes, January holds a sad date for me too, and I'm never quite 'right' again til it's passed by for another year and I can look forward to the Spring sunshine.


Willow xxx
The Fairy Glade said…
Hi there, and thank you for your visit. It is always nice to know that someone enjoys my meanderings. Am enjoying your too, so it works both ways. Pop by again when you can. dev X
Anne said…
Happy New Year!
Keri said…
Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog! I'm excited to get to know you thru yours!
Rowan said…
This is always a good time of year to reflect on the year gone by and make plans for the one that lies ahead. You may not be a bohemian wild child anymore but getting older has other compensations - besides you're as old as you feel:) Hope 2009 holds lots of good things for you.

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