Just a quick update regarding my problem last week...

For any of you who wondered what decision i came to, i said no. They weren't allowed to sleep together. On friday J,N,A ( his girlfriend) and two of his mates all crashed in the living room watching movies until stupid o'clock. Stepping over festering teenagers the next mrning was less than pleasant -not to mention funky-Pheww! Sat the boys were in J's room n A slept in R's bed. There was much pulling of the face at first but when i took her to the station to go home they both admitted that they'd had fun anyway and the not sleeping together hadn't been the hardship that they thought it might've been. I was so relieved. when i'd picked her up from the station i'd told her the house rules, hugging and kissing (within reason) not a problem but they weren't to have sex in my home or there'd not be another visit, J wasn't happy i'd said that to her but as i pointed out to him - and her - if they're big enough to think about having sex then they're big enough for me to speak to them about it. They also got the contraception talk too.

Ifeel that the weekend actually went better because i'd made the rules clear. It's my home and my rules, it's very rare i take a stand on anything so i think the fact that i did told them that i was deadly serious. all of you kind people who took the time to share their thought, thankyou so much, i really appreciated it...


sarah said…
Good for you for sticking to your principles, I'm glad it went well :-)
Ariad said…
Gald it went well. You're a good strong Mummy! I like the comment that if they're old enough to think about having sex then their old enough for you to talk to them about it...have to remember that one...
karisma said…
Well done! And don't worry they will understand one day when they have their own kids! (Well thats what I keep telling my girls)(Well actually my words are usually..."Karma has way of coming back and biting you on the arse!" So watch out!) Yes, I like to keep it real down here!
Wendy.B said…
Aghhhh the joys of teenagers *smiling*, I remember it well and survived to live another day.. good for you for laying down the ground rules. I learnt even the big kids need the boundaries, even if they didn't always like it, they did always respect it.
majikfaerie said…
glad to hear it worked out well for you :)
karisma said…
Hey Sarah! Just checking in to see if you are okay! I have not seen you around lately! Hope you and the kids are well. Hugs xxxx
Patty said…
Hi I just popped in from another blog so this is my first visit. I just wanted to say hello, I will be back again.
I have come here from Ms. Ariad's blogs.

I have read some of your posts. I would like to revisit your blog.

If you like short stories and paintings, then a short visit to my blogs would be a refreshing one.

Naval Langa
karisma said…
Happy Holidays Sarah! Hope Santa is kind to the kiddies. Take care of yourself! Love and hugs xxxxxx

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