I wasn't expecting that...

Do you ever think that someones stood somewhere just off camera who's got a different script to the one you're following and who's laughing at your confusion? I kind of had that feeling today. I plucked up the courage to speak to R's dad abut homeschooling her. I presented a pretty convincing case and to my surprise he said it was a good idea, i was more than intelligent enough to do it - you could've knocked me down with a feather at this point!! my memory has been knocked to hell by the medication i have to take to allow me to function and get through the day- and that he would support me 100%! Brilliant !!

When i'd come round and could speak coherently again (2 strong sweet cups of tea and the smelling salts helped tremendously!) we chatted for a little while briefly going over what our priorities would be with regards to her education, which methods we would use and how long we'd give it to make sure that it really was the best way forward for our daughter. Although myself and R's dad haven't lived together since she was a year old i feel that it was only fair to keep him up to speed with the choices i'm making for our daughter and invite his opinion on the important stuff. Whatever has gone on before between her father and me we are both her parents and her wellfare should be the priority, even if it means practically chewing off my tongue on occasion when he talks to me like i'm three.

So, duly armed with all this positivity i called R over to tell her what me and her dad had discussed, expecting a display of pleasure usually reserved only for something new and sparkly, when what i got was .....tears! What??!!! I wasn't expecting that. She wants to stay at school 'cos she'll miss her friends and won't be able to do p.e. and wants to do the nativity at xmas. What to do now then? B wants to be homeschooled, i've mentioned in an earlier post how much B has changed this year since he's changed classrooms and his best friend has gone on to high school. Part of me feels that she'll not want to go to school very shortly after B leaves, the other thinks that if i pull her out of school now she's always going to feel that i didn't fully take her needs and/or wants into as much consideration as Bs BUT where does that leave me? Has anyone else had this? One kid wanting out of school and the other wanting to stay in? It's completely thrown me off kilter, i feel as though i'm back to square one again, stuck somewhere between the devil and the deep blue sea or a rock and a hard place.

The one thing that i'm not really looking forward to at all is having this conversation with Bs dad. He lives a fair distance away and only sees B in the school holidays. i know that if i H.s. B then he'll want to have him even more than he already does. I know he's his dad but i already struggle with the amount of time that B spends away from me. His dad has him every school holiday, including the summer where i don't see him for 7 weeks, plus all half term and full term breaks , each one lasting one or two weeks. I even allow him to take turns at xmas, one year he's with his dad the next with me. How can i stop him from trying to take even more time away from me? He hasn't gained all this access through the courts, i have care, control and residency, it's me who's allowed him so much time with the boy, purely so that they could have a regular, meaningful relationship. Now is not the time to go into it, i'll save that one for another post until i have more time maybe. I will say that it hasn't always been easy but for the sake of our childrens happiness sometimes we mams have to hold our tongues and smile sweetly! He left when B was 4 months old and i was being treated for cervical cancer so, suffice to say i did take it pretty hard. It took some time and a lot of hard work on both our parts to get to the point we're at now whereby i've had him and his mam to come and stay over so that they could be there for his birthday mornings in term time, also sometimes letting B go down to his dads earlier than the school actually does end for the holidays so that he can do lots of the interesting boy, and only child, stuff that they do together. I love to see his face when daddy comes, it's so beautiful and they are so alike, peas in a pod. I feel so glad that B has a daddy who loves him so much in his life, some poor souls don't see their daddies from one year to the next, i KNOW he's loved and cared for. If any one tried to hurt my boy i know his dad would give anything to protect him, as would i. Bs dad hasn't worked for a couple of years since he fell there, after that he began to stay indoors alot more, to the point where his mam and i said that the only time he was really alive was when he had little B with him. They are so good for each other, despite a bit of a poor start i could never have wished for a better daddy for my boy. Even though i know all this however i feel that for B to spend even more time would cut through me like a sword. What to do about this quandry is pecking my head, more guilt i can do without thanks! Yet again "life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans", my signature line that quote, (John Lennon, Beautuful boy)it just about sums up my life.................


Shrekkie Grinch said…
You will always have my support. I know that B's dad will feel the same. As for the issue of more time together, why not? But there is a pay off. With no school holidays as such, its got to be either, more frequent contact, but of shorter duration, or stay to the current arrangements. There's plus's and negatives for both of you. I'm sure you'll be as surprised by B's dads response as you were mine.
karisma said…
Poor Hippymummy! Im sure you will sort it out and work out what works best for you all! Its all part of the journey!

I agree with Shrekkie, shorter holidays more often would be much easier for you!

As for R, perhaps you could go to the school and work out and deal. Ive heard of country schools that are quite flexible with homeschoolers. Kids joining in on PE and such. There are always options. You know one of mine goes to school still. Ive only homeschooled the two youngest. And there are others in our homeschool group with one in school and others not too!
hippymummy said…
**Sigh** just when i think i'm getting somewhere a spanner gets thrown into the works and it's back to the drawing board! Ah well, it's all character building stuff eh? What desn't kill ya makes you stronger etc etc,
Eeh, i'm getting all philosophical here aren't i, i'm going to sign off before i choke!!! Thanks for the advice - and the ear to bend! xXx
Shrekkie Grinch said…
you know you can always bend my ear. besides, its your right. lol xxx
karisma said…
Thats life sweetie! Spanners are always in abundance! Don't worry, all will fall into place! I promise!
karisma said…
Psst!!!! Excuse me! But I think Shrekkie may just well be a keeper!
Amber said…
Oh you poor love...there are some hurdles there. May you be able to find the right way in the confusion. You sound like such a strong woman, this will be another thing you will tackle wisely I am sure...xxxx
sarah said…
Coming in very late to say that hsing can be flexible, which may help you with both B and R ... but it can also be as rigid as you like. You can make the school/free time boundaries very clear to B's dad and I'm sure he'll appreciate that you are ensuring B gets a proper education. Or you can do as others suggest and make one week a month a short week so he can have a 4 day weekend with B. What a shame he doesn't live closer.

As for R - a gentle, wait-and-see approach is probably all a wise mother can do at this stage.

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