Tra la la ...

It's saturday - again -! and i'm no further on with this whole de cluttering lark. It's shocking how much time i'm spending on here really, i love flitting from page to page, it feels like i'm with friends even though i'm alone somehow. I keep telling myself that i'll feel much better when i've got rid of most of the c**p but to be honest it's so overwhelming that i don't know where to start.No matter how organised i promise myselk i'm going to be it ends up me thinking 'aww, i remember when he/she wore/played with/ was bought for/by and then i've lost, it only takes the one thing. I really need someone who's ruthless to bully me into getting rid of things or, even better maybe, chucking the whole lot out while i'm elsewhere. Ho hum, i'm going to really try this week and get some of it done at least. **sigh**

Our quandry with regards to the whole h.s. thing is no closer to resolution. R has taken it upon herself to keep asking me which day is she going back to school? How many days now? I AM still going aren't i? Go ahead, just kick a mam while she's down why don't you?!! B has been surprisingly quiet on the subject too, he hasn'tsaid he wants to stay home either, he's actually looking forward to seeing his friend E on monday. All that stress and worry for naught! I very much doubt that i've heard the last of it but for now i'm ging to sit back and see what happens.

J n N have gone down to our hometown to see their dad this weekend. They have a half sister, Sarah, who has a little boy who's probably close to one now so they're looking forward to playing grown up Aunty N and Uncle J. Sarah has had a falling out do with her partner so has moved back to her dads so that'll be cosy then.

N is going through a difficult time, on tuesday she lost her temper and stood up to me screaming into my face that i had no right to order her around! This achieved by asking her to come and sit with the dogs whilst i went to J's presentation evening to pick up his certificates for his exams that he did really well in. I'd asked her earlier in the week AND farmed out smalls so that she didn't need to have them for an hour, what a display! She was so aggressive! I've never seen that side of her before, others have said to me that N has a wicked temper and quite often a bad attitude but if i'm honest i have to say that i thought they were exaggerating but no, they weren't. I've tried to speak to her since then, i've told her that i love her umpteen times but until she's ready to talk there's not much i can do. To push her before she's ready would only make it worse, she'll speak when she wants to and not before. i have told her though that her attitude is unacceptable and she's not to behave like that towards me or anyone else, no matter how justified in saying it. Two wrongs don't make a right and i've asked her to come to me if someone/thing is winding her up.

I've been into a couple of forums this week and chatted to some lovely ladies, i think they had a good laugh at my lack of technical prowess. I'd need a manual that explained 'computers for dummies' for those even dumber than dummies!Poor me! Another thing i want to learn how to do is link my flickr page to my blog, i'll dig out the spellbook later and see what magic i can find to achieve it. It really is sad isn't it **blush** . I thought the witchcraft that i used to link my blog to my profile on the forum was amazing indeed! Weeell, if you're laughing at me then some other poor bugger is being left alone! Lol!!

I'm sooo tired, coughing germy wriggling bodies in my bed are not helping me get a good nights sleep, i can tell you that for nothing! I'm heading up to bed, maybe if i go up earlier it'll mean i get more sleep in the longrun? **raises eyes and pleads to the lady**. With that, i'm away.......


karisma said…
I hope the germy wriggly bodies get better quickly! And don't feel too silly about the computer use! I still am not that computer literate and I've been using computers for years. (Dh is a programmer, he just shakes his head at me!)

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