Time flys...

Another weekend, gone before i blinked! We had a lovely time on friday, i took Nell n Rowanne to a friends halloween party with Jean and Heather. R went as a 'dead ballerina' and Nlooked lovely too. She was wearing a purple pixie dress,black leggings, orange and black stripy socks and heavy walking boots, plus my beautiful long black velvet dress coat. The fact that she wore that made me sit up and notice that she has grown so much in the past few months, on the other hand it also made me realise just how fat i am now. Before i damaged my spine i was quite slim - through a lot of hard work and exercise! I'd slimmed down from 238lbs to under 126lbs - but gradually the weight has ceept back on, not all of it but enough to make me uncomfortable. Obviously exercise presents something of a challenge now, my mobility is impaired severely and there's no way that i'm up for any distance walking which does frustrate me as i used to walk for miles with the kids and dogs. We loved welly walks and puddle splashing, the coast is only about 2 miles from our home so we used to go there a lot too. Of course we can still get there but i can't join in the fun now. Goodness me, i've just read back over this and i sound like a whinging misery guts! Pull yourself together woman! I'm fat and i need to do something about it, i just have to work out what that's all.
Yet again i digress, Nell looked beautiful and so grown up, it gave me a funny feeling in my chest. Not bad exactly, just a kind of pang that reminded me that although it sometimes feels like life is slow and passing me by, in reality it's flying by and my babies are growing so fast! My little girl has turned into a young lady in the blink of an eye. The next thing i know R will be using straighteners and eyeliner and developing her 'posh pout' for pictures. How can this be happening so soon? it only seems a short while ago that my eldest kids were starting school but now 3 of the six have finished school! I remember taking them to halloween parties and laughing as we all did apple bobbing and ghost stories, now it's major organised parties, hired halls and costumes that cost the earth! I have loved samhain for a long time but i do think that it's far too commercial now. I didn't mean to get all deep and stuff but it's kind of turning out that way!
I took lots of pics at the party but was kicking myselk 'cos as the party started to wind down both my girls fell asleep on the couch and my batteries has died in my camera. I usually carry spares but i'd taken the wrong handbag and had no spares with me - Bah! Originally iy had been planned that i'd drive t the party and then leave my car there and collect it the next morning but it was only 2degrees outside and my car insisted in reminding me that there was a big chance of ice on the roads. I took the adult decision and didn't drink so that i could drive the kids home. My lovely Jean was as drunk as a lord (well, lady anyhoo!) and insisted on walking (it was a very small distance from the party to Jeans house, less than a five minute walk) home, calling in at her startled parents to tell them that she loved them. Meanwhile i'd got the kids sorted and in bed, had changed my own clothes and made a cup of tea! I'd just started to fret when Jean arrived home -phew! I was in the process of looking for the phone to check that she'd actually left the party and was about to ask Paul to walk down and see that she hadn't fallen down or something. We both laughed as i looked at my watch as she came in and said "What time do you call this to be getting home madam?". Ofcourse as i was sober n Jean was squiffy i knew she'd feel bad the next day so i made her drink some water and numerous cups of tea to stop her from dehydrating too much! We stayed up until after 3am putting the world to rights. She drinks so rarely that it doesn't take a lot to make her blottoed, only a couple of glasses of wine to make her head spin, even when absolutely sloshed she still worries about everyone else before herself. We finally staggered up to bed at about 3am, hoping to grab at least a few hours good sleep befre our little angels woke up as they'd been up till midnight. I didn't need much rocking i can tell you......


Yarrow said…
Sounds like a fun halloween/samhain. Thanks for subscribing to my blog. I enjoyed reading yours. Blessings.

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