Blog Spot- Attempt 2, October 2008............

So much for fervent regular blogging then! The summer (if you could call it that!) sloshed by and there it was gone before i'd even blinked. It was, of course, my own fault; if i hadn't rushed out in a fit of enthusiasm and bought garden furniture it would've been a flipping heatwave! As it was my major investment over the actual holidays themselves were new wellingtons and waterproofs, i kid you not. Earned their worth ten times over i can tell you!
There are some parts of the holidays that i find really hard, B goes to stay with his dad which i find more and more painful every year. He doesn't see his dad during term time as he lives too far away so he spends the entire hols with him. I know he has to spend time with his dad, he loves it, he gets the best of both worlds; being part of a big, noisy tribe like us where we all have to muck in and share and also the chance to be an only child with his dad who does lots of "boy" stuff with him. It's just that during term time we're restricted by school etc, this year we've done things that i've not been brave enough to do for the longest time. I've been scared that i wouldn't be able to manage alone anymore after damaging my spine four years ago (a long story for another day) but this year with help from good friends i've managed to get out and about more which i'm eternally grateful for.
We went camping, it was just as much fun as i remembered, if not more so 'cos we hadn't done it for so long. We drove down the country for R to visit her paternal grandparents, they are lovely people. We also -Drumroll please!!!! - attended a festivel! Yipee! The day after i'd driven back from Essex we went to a music festival. It was only a small one really and quite local, J had worked there all week to earn tickets for him, me R and his girlfriend so everything was set up before we got there which was very much appreciated as i was still really tired from all the driving. I was concerned that it would be a bit too much for me but i gave in to taking the wheelchair just in case, i was glad i did. It meant we could do lots more without suffering as much.
The whole point of this super waffle is to try and fill you in on what's been happening whilst i've not been here blogging! I'm going to do more tomorrow if i get some free time, there's much more to catch up with. Until then..........


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