It's been a funny old week...

Just how bad has the weather been? Absolutely dreadful! No need to worry about global warming then eh? Much! There has been lots going on but it's been one of those weeks when yu're flapping around all week in a tizz but when you look back you're not quite sure what you spent all that time on? One thing i have done a lot of this week is spent time exploring Blogger. Not a bad thing to be doing, i've discovered that i much prefer blogger to t.v.- well, thats not strictly surprising as i prefer watching clocks tick to watching t.v" - but like most things with me i always go at it gung ho for a while and then the novelty wears off. It's a bit like reading a book thats so great that you just can't put it down until it reveals its thrilling end. 'Nothing wrong with that' you might be thinking, 'uses the old grey cells and keeps them active', however i have found one quite significant flaw in this philosophy - There IS no ending! The 'book' goes on forever and it doesn't matter how much time you spend reading you're NEVER going to touch the tip of the iceberg that is available as reading matter! Aaagh! Each new page that you log onto opens the door to more new worlds and lives to read about! Is there such a thing as overdosing on blogger? Who knew how many talented, tortured, frustrated authors there were out there? I've just found a world of people who think like me! Why didn't i get a computer years ago? The things i've missed by being a technophobe, ah well.
It's really odd here tonight, there's only me and the two dogs in the house. As you can imagine this doesn't happen very often at all and to be honest it feels very strange. Maybe you'd think that i'd jump at the chance of some 'me' time, do fifteen rounds of the Halellujah Chorus and head for the bathroom armed with enough lotions, potions, bath goodies and smelly candles to give Cleopatra a run for her money? Nope. I'm sat here at 1.36am on a saturday night/sunday morning writing on blogger 'cos i can't sleep as the house is too empty!! How sad is that?? Actually i'm not sure which part is the saddest, the fact that i'm childfree on a saturday and am not out partying with friends or the fact that i can't go to bed cos the house is too empty. Truth is, i really don't think that i'd like to be out on a saturday night, the thought of running the cattlemarket course without some muppet thinking he could rock my world really isn't pleasant, *shudder*. Now if it was a night in with a friend, bottle of mead(nectar of the goddess,Mmm) some tasty nibbles or hell even a takeaway then that WOULD be a fab way to spend a saturday night. Not enough notice though i'm afraid. Ah, well.
How many of us feel a bit like our lives are a bit like groundhog day? Me too. I love my kids more than life itself but sometimes i fear that i don't like them - no, that's not quite right - i don't like the fact that they continue to do/not do the things i ask them to not do/do. Why is that? When they ask us to do something they automatically expect it to have been done yesterday, if not sooner! Of course the things that we ask them to do are wicked and cruel barbaric tasks. Sometimes i wonder if i do in actual fact speak the same language as my offspring? Maybe whilst i think that i'm asking a simple request like 'take your plate away please' or 'pick up your belongings BEFORE someone stands on them'. what they actually hear is 'put your hand into the fire' or 'throw yourself under a bus'? At least that's what you'd think i'd said judging by their reactions - and that's just the big'uns!Lol! Another one, 'it's time for bed' . Aaagh! The brutality! I've reached a point where i think that this is a more certain proof of age and maturity that most other tests i could think of. When we are young we spend so much time plotting schemes to help us avoid going to bed early yet from our late twenties onwards we spend the rest of our lives trying to find ways to spend just a little more time in bed. Ironic eh?
Eeh, i'm feeling philosophical tonight.I really don't like being here alone, it's really strange, it's almost as if the house can tell that there are no kids here? I love my home, it's the first house that i've lived in since i left my parents house 23 years ago that has felt like home. I've never wanted to stay in one place for very long before, heck i've had boxes that weren't unpacked for 3 moves 'cos i knew that we weren't going to stay! I usually like somewhere for a few months and then my feet start to itch, we did live in a caravan for quite a long time which was just perfect. It was an old tourer, we just parked near a beach for the summer and the kids loved it, i really enjoyed our time there, walking down to the farm for veggies and to the tiny village shop where we bought cards to send telling everyone that we were ok and having fun, fond memoriws of happy days.

I'm feeling rather tired, At Last!, and it's 2.40am so it's well past pumpkin o'clock for me! Till next time....


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