So, it's been and gone. No more worrying about it for another 300 or so days. What a relief. i'm sat here, it's 11.35pm, alone in the house - well, apart from two fur people that is. Why? You may well ask? The honest answer is that my kids have more of a social life than me! J and N have gone to a party, R is with daddy, B is in spain, K, C and L are all having a drink at her house and i'm sat here alone, Billy no mates! I could've gone to Ks house but my next door neighbours're having a party which would cause my dogs to make a terrible noise if i went out. To be honest it's quite nice. Everyone seemed happy with their lot, dinner turned out well, even the rotting bird carcass that is intergral to the celebrations apparently. The joys of having adult kids, they know what they want to eat. Usually we get along fine eating my vegan choices but at this time of year i relent and prepare them the meat, it's their holiday too after all. My darling daughter...